Working with a coach is one of the best ways to exponentially improve your skill level, and nobody else coaches like Gregg. 

He'll help you overcome any troubled areas you have been experiencing in your playing!

What is it that allows those few people we know who perform so well to do that while most of us work hard and still have problems when we perform? 

The answer is in how we practice. 

You are getting good instruction, but the way we learn best in practice is very unusual and very few people know how to do it. 

Those that know and do it regularly are the ones we call talented and gifted, but anyone can do it. 

This type of confident performance is the difference between stage fright and walking off the stage happy with what we just did. 

When we have played something perfectly with ease many times in practice the performance becomes easy as well. Expression and enjoyment increase as technical difficulties melt away.

I’m Gregg Goodhart, and I have spent decades improving as a teacher. 15 years ago, after a couple of decades teaching (university, JC, 13 years at a high school, private instruction), I came across the research on human accomplishment in the neuro and cognitive science.

It made sense of everything I had learned up to that point, and showed me the direction to understanding things nobody else knows.

There is a reason I am the only music teacher who also works as a learning expert for academic teacher professional development in the school system (math, science, history, language, sports) as well as music.
Practice coaching occurs weekly between lessons for 4 or 8 weeks in full support of the teacher’s, or your own, directions. We’ll find out how to best execute them for great lessons, and great progress. 

It is not open ended. 

Four to eight sessions are enough for lasting and ongoing improvement. The methods themselves will evolve in your practice as you use them to evolve your playing! It is a never ending process of discovery and improvement!

Sessions last for one hour, and will provide more than enough material to make every minute of the week’s practice filled with progress.
More improvement in one session than you’ve ever made before GUARANTEED or a full refund, no questions asked.

Performance Level Development

Performance Development

At any level of development performance is usually a problem. We are really nervous, and don’t enjoy it.

Recital / Competition Development

As motivated and interested students of music we want to prepare the best performance possible. 

Recital / Competition Development

As motivated and interested students of music we want to prepare the best performance possible. 

Virtuosity Development

Perhaps you are one of the few who have been able to figure out how to practice well.
More improvement in one session than you’ve ever made before GUARANTEED or a full refund, no questions asked.
Chris W
Piano Student

“ It’ s given me a new lease of life. . .a new impetus, a new motivation to do it and enjoy it, and it’s worked, it’s truly worked. . . If (you) want results, do it. That’s my advice to anybody who is thinking of it.

I’ve been studying keyboards for 20 odd years, and I haven’t developed much.

Now unfortunately, not to labor it, but I’ve got Parkinson’s disease. . .but overall it’s no good saying, “I’ve got Parkinson’s and therefore I’m never going to improve,” THAT is what I wasn’t willing to say. And that is the very reason I chose to (study with Gregg).

I got to the stage where that little voice kept appearing ‘you’ve never going to do this, you’re never going to play the piano. Why do you keep going? Why do you put this time and effort in. . .because today, today I feel different everyday about my piano.

I’ve got something that shows positive results when I apply them, and things get better.

You’re talking about a matter of a few weeks in a period of frustration that’s lasted years.

It’s given me inspiration in a way that I think I’d lost; I think I’d just about lost it. I still kept going, but I didn’t have the passion, I didn’t have the fire. It’s back! I can’t leave the piano alone.”

Students of Michael Klein

Green Valley High School,
Las Vegas (Nevada)
“His speech was very motivating and made me realize that if I work harder, I won’t suck. So inspiring."
"I noticed how much I still need to learn.”
“I think the presenter did a fabulous job of debunking the myth of ‘talent.’ The presentation was very entertaining and motivating, as well.”
“It was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!” (exact number of exclamation points)
“He made me want to practice more”
“He was a very inspiring man. He taught me that anyone can accomplish anything. There is no limit to what you can do as long as you keep trying.”
“He got me to start practicing the way I used to practice.”
“I learned a lot from it and am going to use what I learned to practice more.”
“Mr. Goodhart was inspiring because he showed the results of practice and explained that we could be awesome too if we practice and myelinate our neurons.”

Joanne May

Assistant Professor of Music Education,
Chair, String Department,
Director of Philharmonic Orchestra,
Elmhurst College (Illinios)
"Gregg Goodhart’s energy and enthusiasm for how the brain learns music is inspiring beyond belief! I can’t wait to use his ideas in my teacher training classes, and to improve my own practicing strategies."

Amy Beegle, PhD

College-Conservatory of Music,
University of Cincinnati (Ohio)
"Mr. Goodhart’s presentation was very well-received by our music education students at the College-Conservatory of Music in Cincinnati! He is a very motivational speaker and he covered a great deal of material in a short amount of time. "
More improvement in one session than you’ve ever made before GUARANTEED or a full refund, no questions asked.
Bob G
Classical Guitar Student

“ He’s a wonderful resource for us. His techniques, and great personality (are) so conducive to a student to learn and reach the goals that they want to reach.

Now, with Gregg, the practice is deliberate practice. . .I’m actually having more fun because I’m taking a piece I’m working on and I am acting like a kid again actually.

. . .when I get to the performance part of it I pull it back to the way it should be and play it through and it’s so much easier. I have the focus, I know what’s going on. . .it’s a lot easier.

The niche that he has placed himself inside the musical community, and through his online teaching anybody in the world can get access to him. . . ”

Nat H
Professional touring guitar and oud player, Teacher
United States

“ I was feeling like I had hit the plateau. . .The same problems that I had for years were still there. Even though I was putting in the time, discipline was not a problem. . .there were things that really felt like they should be better as hard as I am working on it.

I’ve had the good fortune to study with a lot of the top musicians in the kind of music I play, but I couldn’t find anybody to help me break through those plateaus.

(Now) there is the feeling of your technique cooperating with you. . .it feels better, it feels so much musical and expressive. If all of your attention is going to struggling to make it (work) that never feels good, and that’s where a lot of musicians and students live a lot of the time.

It really surprised me how quickly it takes effect.

It was life altering for me. It’s something I’ve been looking for for years.”

More improvement in one session than you’ve ever made before GUARANTEED or a full refund, no questions asked.
Mike M
Guitarist and Teacher
United Kingdom

“ I’ve been passing (these ideas) on to my students who seem to be benefitting from it as well. In a matter of a week it made a huge difference, and I’m not able to practice every day at the moment believe it or not.

It made a huge difference to my playing in quite a short while. . .also it made a difference to my confidence.

That’s another thing. I used to think I haven’t got enough time to practice, but I’ve found that actually by doing the things that (Gregg) suggested I got loads more out of my practice time, and I’ve made far more progress than I would have thought considering the comparatively small amount of practice time I’ve had.

Without a doubt practicing is probably the hardest skill you’ll ever learn as a musician. Some people think it might be performance or performance nerves, but honestly, if you get the practice right you won’t have the nerves when you’re performing because you’ll have gotten the practice right in the first place. ”

Lynn G
Student of multiple instruments including guitar and voice
United States

“ My perception of practice has changed so much. . .cause now, by using these techniques that Gregg has taught me I KNOW I can succeed with a song, I know I can see results. It’s a whole different story, and now I have these specific techniques, and I know it works.

With these techniques the practice time kind of isn’t the issue. I’m not shooting to practice for an hour or two hours, even though I often do cause I’m having a good time (now). Now it’s ‘I want to accomplish this, and this is how I do it, and the amount of time that it actually takes to do this is a lot less. . .because you go through a process of getting the song down and getting it into your long term memory.

I do it every day. It makes me so happy. It’s kind of been a dream of mine for a long time, so it’s one of the biggest things in my life right now. I love it, I really love it! ”

Andrean N
Classical piano student and Teacher preparing for upper level RCM exams

“ This is huge. In two to three weeks my whole practice has changed, my outlook has changed. I can’t stress how much of a change that has made for me. . .I’m going to go into it (performance exam) far, far, far ahead of where I could have possibly gone in the trajectory I was going. 

Oh yeah, I totally had the wrong viewpoint. I was working myself into a frenzy over practicing enough, the (problem) is I wasn’t fixing anything! . . I didn’t really have the tools to make that work.

I’ve seen such a difference in my own music already I feel like I’ve won! I really feel like I’ve won already, and I haven’t taken the exam. I’ve got two months to go! I’m really pumped.

I’m just so thankful, this is the best thing I’ve ever done, and I’ve done a lot of good things for myself in this whole process, but this is (what I was missing). ”

More improvement in one session than you’ve ever made before GUARANTEED or a full refund, no questions asked.

Mimi Zweig

Professor of Music (Violin, Viola),
Director Pre-College Strings,
Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University (Indiana)
"Gregg Goodhart’s sessions for the Jacobs School of Music String Academy were extremely insightful and inspiring for myself and the students. His specific practice techniques coupled with his positive and genuine enthusiasm resulted in immediate progress with continuing development raising the performance bar since his Bloomington visit."

Lyda Osinga

Prelude and Central Conductor,
Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestras,
High School Orchestra Director,
National Board Certified Teacher, (Wisconsin)
"…so I have to tell you, you fixed (my student) Domingo. I came back after vacation and he had completely changed his practicing, searched your website, downloaded all your practice tips and showed me some amazing results.…and three months later… BTW, Domingo went from last chair first violins in one orchestra to 4th chair 1st violins in the next level orchestra – made some kids mad because he skipped over them – that’s how much he has improved!"

Dr. Brenda Brenner

Associate Professor of Music Education,
Co-Director, IU String Academy,
Indiana University (Indiana)
"Thank you so much for your wonderful visit to IU. It has made a big impact on my students and teaching. All of them walked away with new ideas and motivation to work hard, which is invaluable. Many of the college students who attended on Friday have remarked to me about how much they enjoyed the presentation and how much they learned. The people I admire most at IU. . .have each mentioned to me that they loved your talk and are using your ideas. You are a dynamic conduit between research and practice, and that is a vital link."

Kevin Miescke

Doctoral Student and Instructor of Horn,
Eastern Illinois University (Illinois)
“I really enjoyed your class, and I (and my students) continue to get lots out of the experience. So much great information!

Dr. Stephen Mattingly

Assistant Professor of Guitar,
Director, Community Music Program,
University of Louisville (Kentucky)
"Gregg Goodhart offered invaluable advice on learning and practice techniques to our students through informative lectures and his uniquely insightful “practi-classes.” Music students and teachers were introduced to useful new learning strategies with fresh perspectives on essential practice habits through evidence-based approaches. Mr. Goodhart brought effusive enthusiasm to his coaching and fostered powerful inspiration, which reverberates throughout the School of Music weeks after his visit."

Bill Swick

Music Department Chair,
Las Vegas Academy of the Arts (Nevada)
"Since his visit, I have had students stop me and tell me they have started using Mr. Goodhart’s recommended practice techniques and admit that they are working. Mr. Goodhart has planted an important seed amongst our music students. We are all grateful to have had this experience."

Russell Shedd

Teacher-VAPA-Music Department Chair,
Scripps Ranch High School (San Diego, CA)
“It really works and I wish I knew this info 20 years ago.

Elizabeth Zempel

Falls Baptist College,
College-Conservatory of Music,
Director, Music School,
Menominee Falls (WI)
"Exceptional ability to drill down to the root problem that hinders the student’s progress. The results are amazing and the students gain confidence to make their own decisions when they are alone."

Amy Beegle, PhD

Associate Professor of Music Education,
College-Conservatory of Music,
University of Cincinnati (Ohio)
"It was so good to have you on campus, Gregg! The students were buzzing about you on Thursday and Friday. Betty Anne is also very excited to have you back in the future."

Ava Bradley

Music Education and Spanish Major,
University of Louisville (Kentucky)
“The most valuable thing I learned from the class was desirable difficulty. By focusing on learning– really learning — I now know how to use my practice time in a meaningful way. Instead of just working on a passage until I get it right, I practice every permutation of that passage until I can’t get it wrong! The practiclass not only helped me but it will help my elementary and middle school students too. They felt the “blearn” when we repeated music over and over again — but in the week since we’ve started using your method, I’ve never seen them play better. Thank you for sharing your amazing knowledge of music, the brain, and of course, how to practice –come back to visit us when you can!

Anne Marie Patterson

Elementary Strings Teacher,
Charles County Schools,
Music Director of Charles County Youth Orchestra and Encore Strings (Maryland)
"I had the pleasure of attending Gregg Goodhart’s session on Better Learning Through Neuroscience at the 2015 ASTA convention. He is bridging the gap between the scientific world and the field of music education, applying scientific evidence to the process of learning. His enthusiasm and knowledge in this new field is inspirational. I look forward to hearing more from him in the future, and encourage all my students to do Skype lessons with him whenever possible. "

Andrea L. Meyers

Colorado Music Educators Association,
Membership Chair Sol-Via Modern Arts Center,
Project Coordinator Colorado Chamber Orchestra,
Board Member Private Cello Studio Denver, CO
“I just finished a wonderful summer conference with the Colorado American String Teachers Association. One of the most impressive sessions was with Gregg Goodhart. Please take a moment to read “My Dog Ate My Talent“. The essence of quality practice and forward thinking is in this article. This is life altering information!! Starting with, ‘Self Discipline.’

Thank you for the exceptional presentations and sessions. You are an inspiration to the teaching, learning, and musical profession. Bravo for taking the time to share your research, knowledge, creative spirit/energy, and practical techniques for further study. Inspirational!!”

Elise Winters-Huete

Author, Kaleidoscopes for Violin (Texas)
“As an educator and parent trainer, I found Gregg Goodheart’s training to be dynamic, insightful and powerful. Passionate about cognitive neuroscience and child development, Goodheart took cutting-edge research and brought it vividly into everyday life. If every kid in our society had this information, “no child left behind” would be a reality.

I look forward to the day when every educator has this information and uses it to empower students to achieve their highest potential.”
More improvement in one session than you’ve ever made before GUARANTEED or a full refund, no questions asked.

Andrew Nowicki

Senior – Music Education (violin),
Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University
"Over the summer of 2015 I spent 9 weeks working over skype with Mr. Goodhart on learning how to improve my practice habits and strategies. Before working with Mr. Goodhart I felt that I was efficient and effective in my practice as I had been able to get into the prestigious Jacob’s School of Music at Indiana University Bloomington. However, even though I was effective in my practice sessions I did not know how much time I could save and how much more efficient I could be while practicing. Over those 9 weeks I was able to make an amazing amount of progress. I learned the entirety of the presto 3rd movement of the Barber Violin concerto at full tempo. This was something that would have taken me at least another 3 weeks to do before working with him.

Not only was I able to learn it quickly but I also learned from him how I could schedule my practice sessions so that I could effectively and healthily practice 4 or more hours a day without becoming completely exhausted. I think the skype lessons that I took with Mr. Goodhart were some of the most valuable that I have had in my college career matching even my Violin lessons which form the core of my degree. I think that if anyone has the opportunity to work with or hear Mr. Goodhart speak should definitely take advantage no matter what level of student or professional they are. "

Phoebe Clark

Music Education Student,
University of Georgi
“I thought the session entitled “Mozart was Not Born a Genius, He Became One– and You Can, Too!” was an eye-opening experience. Gregg Goodhart presented his research on music and the brain as something we all knew about as musicians but hadn’t necessarily put into practice and definitely hadn’t been teaching to our students. Focused practice is the idea and it’s easier to implement than we think. However, getting better on your instrument is not easy; it’s something we have to change in our quick-award-seeking society. Practicing harder AND smarter is worth it in the long run, and thanks to The Learning Coach, now we know how. I was really impressed that Gregg would be able to coach anyone, regardless of instrument. I was able to see it happen right after the session when he held a brief “practiclass” with a violinist. I am excited to apply these theories and practices–pun intended– to my own practice as a cellist and to teach it to my future students.

Thank you so much for opening up my mind to all this! I have thoroughly enjoyed it, and I hope to keep in contact.”

Andrew Nowicki

Senior – Music Education (violin),
Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University
"Over the summer of 2015 I spent 9 weeks working over skype with Mr. Goodhart on learning how to improve my practice habits and strategies. Before working with Mr. Goodhart I felt that I was efficient and effective in my practice as I had been able to get into the prestigious Jacob’s School of Music at Indiana University Bloomington. However, even though I was effective in my practice sessions I did not know how much time I could save and how much more efficient I could be while practicing. Over those 9 weeks I was able to make an amazing amount of progress. I learned the entirety of the presto 3rd movement of the Barber Violin concerto at full tempo. This was something that would have taken me at least another 3 weeks to do before working with him.

Not only was I able to learn it quickly but I also learned from him how I could schedule my practice sessions so that I could effectively and healthily practice 4 or more hours a day without becoming completely exhausted. I think the skype lessons that I took with Mr. Goodhart were some of the most valuable that I have had in my college career matching even my Violin lessons which form the core of my degree. I think that if anyone has the opportunity to work with or hear Mr. Goodhart speak should definitely take advantage no matter what level of student or professional they are. "

Phoebe Clark

Music Education Student,
University of Georgi
“I thought the session entitled “Mozart was Not Born a Genius, He Became One– and You Can, Too!” was an eye-opening experience. Gregg Goodhart presented his research on music and the brain as something we all knew about as musicians but hadn’t necessarily put into practice and definitely hadn’t been teaching to our students. Focused practice is the idea and it’s easier to implement than we think. However, getting better on your instrument is not easy; it’s something we have to change in our quick-award-seeking society. Practicing harder AND smarter is worth it in the long run, and thanks to The Learning Coach, now we know how. I was really impressed that Gregg would be able to coach anyone, regardless of instrument. I was able to see it happen right after the session when he held a brief “practiclass” with a violinist. I am excited to apply these theories and practices–pun intended– to my own practice as a cellist and to teach it to my future students.

Thank you so much for opening up my mind to all this! I have thoroughly enjoyed it, and I hope to keep in contact.”

Russ De Angelo

Exec. Director,
La Guitarra California Festival
“After my retirement from the corporate world in 1999, I continued my classical guitar studies at the prestigious Thorton School of Music at the University of Southern California. Since 2003 I have been the Executive Director of the La Guitarra California Festival, and 3-day classical guitar celebration. La Guitarra California has grown into the largest event of its kind in America, and one of the premier classical guitar events in the world. Each Festival features dozens of internationally acclaimed guitarists in concerts, Master Classes, and lectures. Music education is a hallmark of the Festival and the 2013 Festival Master Classes had a total attendance of seven hundred forty-three people.

I have attended hundreds of concerts by guitarists of all ages and levels, been given thousands of CDs to review, and attended many lectures. Most significantly, I have hired and presented hundreds of classical guitarists and dozens of lecturers.

I had the pleasure to meet Mr. Gregg Goodhart in 2007 while attending Master Classes at Servite High School, where he taught for many years. Mr. Goodhart is responsible for taking Servite’s humble guitar program and building it into a substantial department with increasing national recognition.

I attended his annual Master Classes for five consecutive years, and am impressed with Mr. Goodhart’s rapport with his young students. His teaching techniques and communications skills are exceptional, and his unique application of neuroscience in music performance puts him at the forefront of music education.

Based on my knowledge and experience, I believe Mr. Gregg Goodhart to be an educator and lecturer of extraordinary ability. It is without reservation that I give high recommend to Mr. Gregg Goodhart.”

Jim Thomas

Visual and Performing Arts,
Orange County Department of Education (California)
“Gregg Goodhart’s remarkable presentation on Cognitive Neuroscience illuminates and reinforces our beliefs in the value of arts education for all learners. His enthusiasm for the topic bubbles up in each of us the reasons we love teaching. A stellar presentation!
More improvement in one session than you’ve ever made before GUARANTEED or a full refund, no questions asked.
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